Major Events Calendar

January 2025

2 WSBMN Office Reopens
31 Finished ACP Reports Returned to WSBMN Office


21-23 CM Student Retreat, Camp Bethel
23-26 Winter Bible Study, Hilltop Baptist Church, Casper


2-9 Week of Prayer for NAMB Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
6-8 Church Planter Retreat, Cody Cowboy Church, Cody


4-5 Vacation Bible School Clinic, Mountain View Baptist, Mills
10 Administrative Team Meeting, WSBMN, 3:00 pm
11 Executive Board Meeting, WSBMN, 10:00 am
11-12 Youth Evangelism Conference, College Heights Baptist Church, Casper
12 New Pastor Orientation, WSBMN, 9:00 am
12 Collegiate Ministries Directors’ Planning Retreat, Casper
20 Easter
21 Easter Holiday, WSBMN Closed
25-26 Preacher School, Mountain View Baptist Church, Mills


1-3 OASIS, College Heights Baptist Church, Casper
10 Gateway Seminary CLD Graduation Denver, CO
11 Mother’s Day
26 Memorial Day, WSBMN Closed


9-12 SBC Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX
15 Father’s Day
23-27 Haven on the Rock Camp, Mt. Top Baptist Assembly


4 Independence Day
7-11 Kid’s Camp, Mt. Top Baptist Assembly
13-19 High School National Finals Rodeo, Rock Springs
14-19 Summit Youth Camp Week 1, Mt. Top Baptist Assembly
21-26 Summit Youth Camp Week 2, Mt. Top Baptist Assembly                                                    27-8/1 CEF Youth Challenge, Mt. Top Baptist Assembly                                                                28-30 Abide, Kodiak Mountain Resort, Afton                           



3-8 CEF Good News Camp, Mt. Top Baptist Assembly
16 Northeast Region Annual Meeting, First Southern Baptist Chapel Kaycee
23 West Region Annual Meeting, TBD
31-9/7 Week of Prayer for WSBMN State Mission Offering


1 Labor Day, WSBMN Closed
5-6 Statewide Ladies’ Retreat, Casper,
11 Administrative Team, WSBMN, 3:00 pm
12 Executive Board, WSBMN, 10:00 am
13 South Region Annual Meeting, TBD
19-21 Collegiate Ministries Retreat, Mt. Top Baptist Assembly


5-7 Evangelism Conference/Annual Meeting, WSBMN Closed
5-6 WSBMN Evangelism Conference, Casper, Mt. View Baptist Church
6-7 WSBMN Annual Meeting, Casper, Mt. View Baptist Church
6 Executive Board Organizational meeting following the evening session.
6 Church Planter Luncheon, 12:00 pm, TBD
7 Seminary Breakfast, 7:00 am, TBD
27 Thanksgiving, WSBMN Closed
30-12/7 Week of Prayer for IMB Lottie Moon Christmas Offering


24 Christmas Eve, WSBMN Closed
25 Christmas Day, WSBMN Closed
24-1/4 Christmas Break, WSBMN Closed

January 2026

5 WSBMN Resource Center Reopens