Wyoming Disaster Relief

Wyoming SBC Disaster Relief logo

Partners with Colorado Disaster Relief


Dear CBDR and WYDR Volunteers,

I have put our teams on Stand-By notice for a deployment to one of the six states that has been affected by Hurricane Helene. As you have heard on the news and other reports there is still Search and Rescue efforts underway in several areas. There is also difficulty traveling due to several roads that have been damaged or destroyed.

You can be assured that our National SBDR teams in the affected states are deployed with “Boots on the Ground” in all those areas. Currently, we have not received a request for deploying to help. In the coming days I know we will be asked to come and relieve those that have been on site since day one. I am praying that CBDR/WYDR would be able to respond with a great team of volunteers to be able to assist in any area of need on arrival.

Please pray about your availability and then send the below information to:  Dennis Belz, CBDR Director, dbelz@coloradobaptists.org or text 720-438-9312.

  1. Your Name
  2. Current Contact Information
  3. Dates available to deploy (would like to have a two-week commitment)
  4. Go to our CBDR Website:  www.ColoradoDR.org
  5. Complete all deployment forms including medical and background check forms
  6. Are your credentials up to date?

Presently our CBDR Volunteers are making sure that our vehicles and equipment are prepared for this upcoming deployment. We are looking at possibly late October and the month of November to deploy. (This could change depending on needs on the field)

I hope to hear from you soon as we prepare to Bring: Help, Hope and Healing to those in need from the devastating Hurricane Helene.

If you would like an application or have additional questions, please contact Beth Williams, bwilliams@wyomingsbc.org  or Sasha Snidow,  snidow@wyomingsbc.org.