Wyoming Disaster Relief
Partners with Colorado Disaster Relief
Texas Flooding Alert
CBDR is on ALERT status for possible deployment to help with the TEXAS FLOODING.
Details will be updated as we get them. We are looking at a date around May 22 or later depending on the needs in Texas and availability of our CO & WY DR Volunteers.
- If you are interested and available, please email me at dwbelz@coloradobaptists.org or text 720-438-9312
- You must have your updated credentials and medical forms to be able to deploy.
- Check your date of your credential and if it is outdated, plan to attend:
CBDR Training at Arapahoe Road Baptist Church
780 E. Arapahoe Road, Centennial, CO
Chaplaincy Training – May 16-17
CBDR Training – May 17-18
Go to our CBDR Website: www.ColoradoDR.org to get information and register online (Training page)
https://form.jotform.com/230384146062046 (pre-registration unit training form)
https://form.jotform.com/240665492320151 (full registration forms)
https://form.jotform.com/240668386164162 (chaplaincy training registration)
- If you plan to deploy at a later date and need to have your credentials updated, attend:
Wyoming Baptist Disaster Relief Training at Glenrock First So. Baptist Chapel
485 E. Birch St, Glenrock, WY
June 7-8. Both days are required for re-credentialing.
New Volunteers’ fee = $35
Re-credentialing fee = $20
Credentials are up to date, but adding up to 2 units = $15
Credentials need to be updated every 3 years.
NOTE: You must be credentialed through CO/WY Disaster Relief before deploying. This includes a background check completed in our file. You must also have proof of insurance upon your arrival at the deployment site.
If you would like an application or have additional questions, please contact Beth Williams, bwilliams@wyomingsbc.org or Sasha Snidow, snidow@wyomingsbc.org.