Our churches across the State of Wyoming.

Regional State Missionaries

Dale Bascue - portrait image

Dale Bascue, D.Min.

West Region Missionary

Fred Creason - portrait image

Fred Creason, Ph.D.

Northeast Region Missionary

Matt Maestas - portrait image

Matt Maestas, M.Div.

South Region Missionary

State Regional Map

Wyoming State map showing network regions

Job Opportunities

We regularly post job opportunities for various roles within our statewide Baptist network. Check back to join our dedicated team and contribute to our mission of faith and community service.

Bi-Vocational Pastor

We are looking for a bi-vocational pastor here at First Baptist Church. We are a small, bible believing local church in a small community. Send a resume if you are interested to PO Box 575, Big Piney, Wyoming, 83113 or email to firstbaptistbigpiney@gmail.com. Please include your contact information, testimony, along with church work and secular vocational history.